Inside Iowa State
June 9, 2000
Regents tap Seagrave for interim post
Richard Seagrave, Anson Marston Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering, has been asked to serve as interim president of Iowa State, says Owen Newlin, president of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. The appointment is subject to formal board approval at its June 14 meeting. At that time, the board also will approve a detailed search process and transition schedule.
Seagrave would serve as interim president until a successor to President Martin Jischke is appointed and assumes office, which is estimated to be sometime early next year. Jischke will become president of Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind., Aug. 14.
Seagrave joined the ISU faculty in 1966 and has served in various administrative roles, including professor-in-charge of the biomedical engineering program, chair of the chemical engineering department, interim director of the Computation Center and, most recently, interim provost (January to September 1999).
"Professor Seagrave brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of the university to the President's Office at this critical time," Newlin said.
Seagrave's salary will be at the annual rate of $180,000.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0609/seagrave.htmlRevis ed 06/08/00