Inside Iowa State
June 9, 2000
Pay hikes for most will average 4 percent
by Linda Charles
Despite a shortfall in state appropriations to Iowa State, the university will fund pay hikes next fiscal year averaging 4 percent for faculty and professional and scientific staff. That's the same percentage awarded to merit employees through contract negotiations.Faculty and P&S staff who are meeting performance expectations will receive at least a 1.33 percent salary increase, or one-third of the university-wide average increase. Increases above that amount will be awarded on the basis of merit, equity and market considerations.
To keep information technology staff salaries competitive in the marketplace, ISU employees in these positions may receive pay hikes of up to 10 percent.
Due to the shortfall, some of the salary funds will need to come from next year's tuition revenue increase and internal reallocations.
To keep internal reallocations to a minimum, Iowa State will cover 4 percent of a January 2001 estimated 10 percent health insurance cost increase (corresponding to the overall pay increase) and employees will pick up the difference.
Pay raises and salary policies are subject to final approval by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. Supervisors will let faculty and staff know about their pay increases following final approval of next year's budget by the regents at their July meeting.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0609/payincr.htmlRevise d 06/08/00