Inside Iowa State
June 9, 2000
Organic farm president will lead Leopold Center
by Karen Bolluyt, Ag Information Service
The president of a North Dakota organic farm has been appointed director of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. Frederick Kirschenmann will assume responsibilities at the center on July 1, on a partial appointment until after crops on his farm are harvested.President Martin Jischke noted that Kirschenmann's broad experience includes service as a faculty member and administrator at four colleges; positions of leadership in state, national and international agricultural organizations; and more than 20 years of hands-on experience in putting theories of sustainability into practice on his own farm.
"Dr. Kirschenmann has a talent for looking into the future, bringing people together to agree on goals and keeping them together to get things done. We're delighted that he will provide leadership for the Leopold Center," Jischke said.
Wendy Wintersteen, Agriculture college administrator and head of the search committee, said, "I feel that Dr. Kirchenmann is an excellent choice to move forward the ideals of sustainable agriculture in Iowa. He has an understanding of the philosophy, science and practical business aspects of sustainable agriculture."
Allen Trenkle, animal science, has served as interim head of the Leopold Center since Dennis Keeney retired in December 1999.
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