Inside Iowa State
June 9, 2000
Gift moves Honors program closer to new facility
by Steve Sullivan
Robert and Patricia Jester of West Des Moines have pledged $60,000 toward a new building for the Honors Program.The new building is estimated to cost $2 million, with half coming from university funds and half from private support. The proposed site for the 6,800-square-foot building is central campus, north of Curtiss Hall.
"Pat and I believe this new building is essential to the future growth of the University Honors Program, already a notable strength at Iowa State," said Robert Jester. "The plans for this new facility expand upon the residential nature of Osborn Cottage, where the program is now located. Students will benefit from the new conference rooms, scholar's learning center, quiet study areas, kitchen, computer lab and more."
The University Honors Program began in 1961 to facilitate creative and individualized learning among talented and motivated students through advanced courses, seminars and research or special projects with faculty mentors. Approximately 1,300 students, including 400 freshmen, are involved in eight honors programs each year. The honors program has been housed in Osborn Cottage on central campus since 1976. The 1882 building provides University Honors students with a homelike environment and 24-hour access, said Elizabeth Beck, program director.
"The strongest Honors programs in the nation are housed in specifically designated buildings," Beck said. "While Osborn Cottage has served Iowa State for more than a century, the Honors Program has outgrown this aging building. The Jesters' generosity moves us closer to a new building to serve our growing population of University Honors students."
Robert Jester is president and owner of Jester Insurance Services. He attended ISU from 1958 to 1963. Patricia Jester is retired as president and owner of Creative Foods Ltd. She graduated from ISU in 1964 with a degree in foods and nutrition.
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