Inside Iowa State
June 9, 2000
Beardshear remodeling is under way
by Linda Charles
Staff in much of Beardshear Hall will move out this summer to make way for the first phase of a major remodeling project that eventually will turn the ground floor into an expanded Student Answer Center.When completed in November 2002, the $5.7 million, three- phase project will give students better access to university services, brighten Beardshear by opening the first floor atrium and improve the building's safety and accessibility, said Steve Prater, an architect with facilities, planning and management and project manager for the remodeling.
Under the plan, the help desk on Beardshear's ground floor will become the focal point of a much-expanded Student Answer Center. It will include units from student financial aid, ISU Card, career planning and accounts receivables, as well as a branch office of the registrar's office.
"Stylistically, the remodeling will play off several of the classical elements already in the building, but with a modern twist," Prater said. "One of the main objectives will be to make the building more friendly, lighter and warmer for our students and everyone else who uses or visits the building. "
Some of the dark finishes will be removed, additional lights will be added and doors replaced so people can see into offices before entering.
The Beardshear project calls for relocating and reorganizing some of the administrative offices on the second and third floors. No major changes are planned for the first floor, which houses the President, Provost and Vice President for Business offices, Prater said.
Other changes include replacing the front steps, redoing the north entrance to make it handicap accessible, replacing the old elevator with a new one near the east entrance, adding new restrooms and remodeling the existing groundfloor restrooms, upgrading the building's electrical services and installing smoke exhaust fans in the atrium and additional fire sprinklers, Prater said.
The south entrance will be closed during the remodeling, but there will be access to the building from the north or west entries, as well as to the elevator, throughout construction. Prater emphasized that handicap access will be available during the entire project.
The east-west sidewalk on the south side of Beardshear will be closed and the area fenced off as a storage area for construction materials. The east-west sidewalk on the north side of Carver Hall will remain open.
About 100 people temporarily will relocate during the first phase of construction. Offices affected by the remodeling will move to Child Development, Pearson Hall or relocate within Beardshear. Offices will continue to be moved in and out of Beardshear between now and the project's completion.
The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, last year approved the design. A bid on the construction is expected to be awarded soon and the first phase of moves will be completed by the end of July so construction can begin.
During the remodeling, Prater recommends calling ahead to determine the location of offices typically located in Beardshear. Phone numbers are expected to remain the same during construction. Updates of office locations will be provided online at www.inside.iastate.edu/beardshear/moves.html.
Where are they?
Moved in May
Student Answer Center to 112 Pearson
Moving in June (dates tentative)
9 (completed)
Student Financial Aid to Pearson, first floor
HR Classification/Compensation and Employee Relations to Child Development, first floor
Asst. Vice President for Human Resources to 125 Beardshear
HR Employment to Child Development, first floor
Affirmative Action to Child Development, first floor
HR Training and Development to Child Development, first floor
HR Benefits and Records to Child Development, first floor
Vice Provost for Undergrad. Studies from 307 to 318 Beardshear
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0609/bdshrmoves.htmlRev ised 06/08/00