Inside Iowa State
June 9, 2000
Rural communities course
Iowa State Extension and the department of curriculum and instruction are offering a special summer course on revitalizing Iowa's rural communities and landscapes. The course, Living Well in Iowa (Curriculum and Instruction 593E), will meet from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays June 19-30, and Monday, July 24, in 1009 LeBaron. Tuition is $576 (three graduate credits) or $100 (3.8 CEUs). For a brochure, see Bev in N232 Lagomarcino. Direct course questions to the instructor, Nancy Bevin, 268- 0737, nlbevin@iastate.edu.
Jischke on Talk of Iowa June 21
President Martin Jischke's June appearance on WOI-Radio's Talk of Iowa has been changed to Wednesday, June 21. The live, call-in program airs weekdays from 10 to 11 a.m. on WOI-AM Radio (640). This will be Jischke's last visit to the show before he leaves ISU in August for Purdue University.
Business college is reaccredited
The College of Business has earned reaccreditation by the AACSB -- The International Association for Management Education, which represents colleges, universities, businesses and organizations. Only 340 of the 1,500 college business schools in the United States and Europe have earned this recognition; Iowa State has held the accreditation since 1991. The college was especially recognized for five strengths: percentage of courses taught by full-time faculty; an active business advisory council; progress in developing academic programs; positive work environment; and gains in entrepreneurial education through partnership with the Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship.
P&S survey results online
The results of last fall's survey of P&S employees at Iowa State are available (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format) on the P&S Council's Web site, www.iastate.edu/~ps_info/.
ISU hosts bioenergy conference next week
Iowa State will host a national conference June 15-16 sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy: "National Biobased Products and Bioenergy Initiative: The Role and Capacities of the State Universities and Land-grant Colleges." Designed for faculty and staff at land-grant schools, the conference is intended to improve links between state universities and land-grant colleges and the DOE's bioenergy R&D programs; and acquaint the schools with new DOE funding opportunities. The conference supports a new memo of understanding between the USDA and the DOE on cooperation in developing the bioenergy industry.More information is available at this Web site: http://www.lifelearner.iastate.edu/conference/bioenergy2.htm . Questions may be directed to Stan Johnson, 4-6192; srjohnso@iastate.edu, chair of the ISU planning team working with DOE.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0609/announcements.htmlRevised 06/08/00