Inside Iowa State
May 19, 2000
Bloedel takes over vice provost post Sept. 1
Dr. James Bloedel, chair of the division of neurobiology at the Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, and research professor with the department of physiology at the University of Arizona, has been appointed vice provost for research and graduate studies at Iowa State, effective Sept. 1.
The vice provost for research and graduate studies coordinates and administers research, technology transfer and graduate programs.
"Dr. Bloedel is a distinguished neurobiologist, has had a long and stellar funding record with the National Institutes of Health and has experience as a professor at highly regarded institutions," said Provost Rollin Richmond. "He has good understanding of a comprehensive university, its research and graduate education programs, and can be seen as a strong spokesperson for ISU in the research and graduate education communities."
Bloedel has directed the neurobiology division at the Barrow institute since 1984, and served as research professor at the University of Arizona since 1986. Previously, he held various academic and administrative positions at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Bloedel's research, funded by the NIH, focuses on the brain, particularly the cerebellum and muscular movement.
William Lord, electrical and computer engineering, is serving as interim vice provost for research and graduate studies. Patricia Swan retired from the post in December and currently is on a one-year leave of absence from the ISU faculty.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0519/vprovost.htmlRevis ed 05/18/00