Inside Iowa State
May 19, 2000
Summer changes at the library
Several projects are under way at the Parks Library this summer, including creation of a new unit, Reserve and Media Services. The functions of the Reserve Desk and Media Center were merged recently. This new combined unit is located in Room 2 (the former location of the Media Center).
The first floor renovation also continues this summer. Phase 2 work includes installation of new floor tile (replacing the 1983 wood parquet floor and carpeting) in the area containing the reference and circulation desks and central library computers. It also includes new furniture for the central library computer area and the east atrium.
During this project, the reference desk and central library computers temporarily are located in the reference collection area -- the area north of the "glass wall" on first floor. Both features will return to their original locations following the renovation.
The work is scheduled to be completed by June 30.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0519/library.htmlRevise d 05/18/00