Inside Iowa State
May 19, 2000
D2K Global Finals on campus
by Anne Krapfl
More than 7,000 students -- elementary through college-age -- will visit campus May 24-28 for an international problem-solving competition. "D2K Global Finals" is the last event of the season for Destination ImagiNation. (DI is a new event that is similar to Odyssey of the Mind. Iowa State hosted Odyssey world final events in 1990, 1994 and 1996.) DI promotes team-based, creative problem-solving and presentations.D2K officially opens with a Hilton ceremony Wednesday evening, May 24. Competitions will be held all day Thursday-Saturday, May 25-27. Teams, coaches and parents will arrive on campus en masse Tuesday and Wednesday, May 23-24. Large group events also will be held nightly at Hilton or the Lied Center.
Teams that are competing in Ames have advanced from regional and state competitions. They will represent all 50 states and three foreign countries.
Iowa State's residence halls and all Ames hotels and motels are booked during the competition.
Student teams will compete at one of four levels: elementary (K-5), intermediate (grades 6-8), secondary (grades 9-12) and college. Competitions, with the exception of "instant challenges" (impromptu problems for which teams have a few minutes to create and present) will be held in auditoriums or gymnasiums in Forker, Carver, Coover, MacKay, Music and Howe halls; Lied Center; Design Center; Memorial Union (Sun Room and Great Hall); Fisher Theater; Stephens Auditorium; and Scheman (Benton Auditorium). All instant challenges will be performed in Pearson Hall classrooms.
Each team is scored on its performance in an instant challenge, plus one of six team challenges. The team challenges all focus on food, as "food for thought" is DI's theme for 1999-2000.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0519/d2k.htmlRevised 05/18/00