Inside Iowa State
May 19, 2000
Finalists to visit
Six finalists for the position of director of business affairs will visit campus in the next couple of weeks.
Finalists are Carol Coates, director of the office of procurement and distribution at the Iowa Department of Transportation, Ames; Al Comley, senior director of business services at the University of Toledo, Ohio; Terrence Duffey, assistant dean for administrative affairs at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, Rockford, Ill.; Stephen Mack, director for the department of procurement services at the University of Oklahoma, Norman; James Main, assistant vice chancellor for business and finance at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln; and Arlo Meyer, manager of purchasing at Iowa State.
The campus community will have the opportunity to meet candidates during open forums, each of which will begin at 2:30 p.m. in 108 Kildee.
The forum schedule is:
The director of business affairs oversees asset recovery, the university book store, central stores, inventory, printing, purchasing, transportation services and vending on campus. The new director will succeed Ron Santi, who recently retired.
- May 19     James Main
- May 23     Terrence Duffey
- May 24     Carol Coates
- May 25     Arlo Meyer
- May 31     Stephen Mack
- June 1       Al Comley
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0519/busdircands.htmlRe vised 05/18/00