Inside Iowa State
May 19, 2000
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Q: How many Iowa newspapers does the ISU library receive? Are these all paid subscriptions or do papers "gift" a subscription to the library?
A: The library gets gift subscriptions from 214 small town Iowa papers. (About a half dozen of these aren't coming right now and inquiries are being sent to ask if the publishers will continue to send them. Some publishers decide they just can't afford to give free subscriptions anymore.) These papers include everything from the Ackley World Journal to the Woodbine Twiner (two of my favorite titles). Only the latest issue of these papers is kept on file, in the Periodical Room.
The library subscribes to the Ames and Des Moines papers, as well as Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City, Sioux City and Waterloo. The Ames and Des Moines issues are held until they are replaced by microfilm; the others are kept for one month.
Source: Karen Craft, library assistant, Parks Library
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0519/ask.htmlRevised 05/18/00