Inside Iowa State
May 19, 2000
Jischke on Talk of Iowa
President Martin Jischke will be the guest on the Wednesday, June 7, edition of Talk of Iowa. The live, call-in show airs weekdays from 10 to 11 a.m. on WOI-AM Radio (640).
Alumni Days is June 8-10
The ISU Alumni Association will host its annual Alumni Days Thursday-Saturday, June 8-10, on campus. Groups being honored this year are the classes of 1945, 1940, 1935, 1930 and 1925. Special recognition will be given to the 50th anniversary class of 1950. Most events will be at the Memorial Union.
P&S Council elects officers
The Professional and Scientific Council elected officers for the 2000-01 year during its regular meeting May 4. Serving as president will be Kerry Dixon-Fox, facilities planning and management; as vice president will be Shawn Shouse, Extension field specialist from Atlantic; and as secretary-treasurer is Judy Strand, College of Family and Consumer Sciences. Elected to the two at-large spots on the council's executive committee are Tim Eggers, Extension field specialist from Clarinda; and Leigh Elsberry, institutional research.
Reynolds is associate dean
Donald Reynolds, professor in veterinary microbiology and preventive medicine, has been named associate dean for research and graduate studies in the College of Veterinary Medicine. He succeeds Prem Paul, who in January was appointed associate vice provost for research and advanced studies.
Orientation brings thousands to campus
Approximately 4,000 new students and their family members will be on campus during the end of May and throughout June for orientation programs. Orientation allows new students to register for their first semester of classes and learn about the university. The campus community is asked to assist these new students and their families as they find their way around campus. One-day orientation programs will be held May 30 and June 30 for students transferring to Iowa State. Incoming freshmen will attend two-day orientations through-out June. For more information, visit the orientation Web site at: www.iastate.edu/~orient_info/homepage.html.
New location for Student Answer Center
The Student Answer Center moved from the ground floor of Beardshear to 112 Pearson earlier this month. The center's phone number remains 4-4469. The center provides information on registration, schedules, financial aid and building locations.
Cell phone policy instated
A new policy calls for reimbursing Iowa State employees at 25 cents per minute when they use their personal cell phones for university business. Employees should get departmental approval before using their own cell phones. Long distance and roaming charges incurred outside the employee's normal service plan may be reimbursed at actual cost.Employees who use a university-purchased cell phone for personal use, such as during an emergency, will be required to reimburse the university at the same levels. The policy is available on the Web at www.adp.iastate.edu/vpbf/controller/what_new.htm.
Jischke on Iowa PressSunday
President Martin Jischke will be a guest on the Sunday, May 21, edition of Iowa Presson Iowa Public Television. The program airs at noon and again at 7 p.m. on KDIN-TV.
Memorial Day observance
A Memorial Day observance will begin at 9 a.m. Monday, May 29, in the Molecular Biology auditorium. Staff and faculty who have died since May 15, 1999, will be remembered. Ames Mayor Ted Tedesco will speak and survivors will be invited to make brief remarks. Parking is available north of the Molecular Biology Building. Following the observance, flowers will be placed on the graves of faculty and staff buried in the University Cemetery.Iowa State homepage
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0519/announcements.htmlRevised 05/18/00