Inside Iowa State
April 28, 2000
Workshop set on learning communities
Iowa State's Learning Communities Advisory Committee is sponsoring its second annual two-day institute May 8-9, in the Scheman Building. All faculty and staff were mailed program invitations to this free event last month.
This year's institute will focus on sustaining success in learning com-munities, but doesn't preclude staff and faculty who haven't participated in a learning team from joining an existing group.
It will include an update on the state of ISU learning communities from Corly Brooke and Doug Gruenewald, co-chairs of the advisory committee.
Direct program questions to Larry Ebbers, 4-7002, or Sharon McGuire, 4-6624, and registration questions to Janet Gardner, 4-5366.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0428/workshop.htmlRevis ed 04/26/00