Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
April 28, 2000

Senate considers adoption of its own strategic plan

by Linda Charles
The Faculty Senate, for the first time in its 12 years of existence, will consider adopting a strategic plan. Proposed by the Faculty Senate Strategic Plan Committee, chaired by former senate president Denise Vrchota, the plan includes five initiatives, each with its own set of goals and action plan.

In presenting the plan at the April senate meeting, Vrchota said it would benefit the senate both internally and externally. The plan would prioritize actions and focus senate energy toward internal goals, give an edge in proactive collaboration ("Rather than waiting to be called and invited to participate, we can do the calling and inviting"), encourage discussion of internal university organization, and enhance the senate's role and image within the university.

As proposed, the strategic plan would be reviewed annually and renewed on the same cycle as the university's strategic plan.

The plan's initiatives are:

The senate's executive board will discuss the plan over the summer and the senate likely will vote on the plan next fall. Comments on the plan should be directed to Vrchota, 4-0501, e-mail:

Last senate meeting May 2

The Faculty Senate will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 2, in 260 Scheman.

Several proposed curriculum changes will be on the agenda, including a request to create an interdepartmental master's degree in information assurance (such as computer and Internet security) through the department of electrical and computer engineering.

Newly elected senators also will be seated and David Hopper, veterinary medicine, will take over as senate president.

This is the last senate meeting of the semester. The senate will resume meeting next fall.

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