Inside Iowa State
April 28, 2000
Sixth Street road changes affect drivers, cyclists
by Anne Krapfl
Modifications planned this summer for the western-most leg of Sixth Street, on campus, will bring changes for drivers and cyclists. Sixth Street runs between the CyRide bus garage and Agronomy Hall. The phased work is expected to begin around May 8 and be completed in early August.Phase I creates a new access drive to the CyRide bus garage and the power plant off Elwood Drive, about 225 yards east of Haber Road. No traffic light is planned for this new intersection. Phase II includes improving the north driveway to the General Services building and closing and removing a section of Sixth Street between Wallace and Haber roads. The resulting changes in traffic patterns will lift the left turn ban for east-bound traffic on Elwood turning north onto Haber.
During Phase II, workers also will remove the bike path along Sixth Street on campus. Cyclists and pedestrians should use the paved and lighted path that runs along the north side of the Lied Center and ISU soccer field. Phase II work is expected to begin in early June.
The intent behind the changes is threefold:
- Improve traffic safety by separating cars from semi trucks -- an average of 60 per day -- that drop off coal or pick up ash waste at the power plant.
- Improve and simplify semi-truck access to the power plant and bus access to the CyRide garage.
- Improve the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians by separating them from bus and semi-truck traffic on Sixth Street.
Public access on Haber Road will remain as far south as the entrances to staff parking lots #41 and #68. Employees also will be able to use Sixth Street to access the parking lot south of the greenhouses.
Throughout the project, ISU staff will post signs that alert drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to traffic changes before they occur.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0428/road.htmlRevised 04/26/00