Inside Iowa State
April 28, 2000At the April 20 meeting in Council Bluffs, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa:
- Approved room and board rates in the ISU residence system for next year. Apartment rates will rise an average of 5 percent; residence room rates will rise 6.3 percent.
- Approved a description and budget for a bus terminal in the Iowa State Center lot to service those who ride the CyRide shuttle. The planned $275,000 facility includes a heated indoor area with restroom and an outdoor shelter with bench seating.
- Approved ISU parking rates for the year that begins July 1. Fee increases range from $1 (motorcycle fee) to $20 (24- hour reserved permit). The most significant change is a decrease of $163 for a second departmental permit. The new rate ($57) is the same as a general staff permit. All departments receive one depart-mental permit at no cost.
- Approved the ISU academic calendar for the years 2003-04 and 2004-05. No changes were proposed from the current calendar.
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