Inside Iowa State
April 28, 2000
Regents approve tenure, promotions for 60 faculty
Sixty Iowa State faculty will be honored for the achievement of tenure or promotion in academic rank as confirmed by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, this spring. Thirty-five faculty were promoted to professor, 24 were promoted to associate professor and one was tenured without a promotion. Following is the list of faculty promotions and tenure.
College of Agriculture
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): David Acker, agricultural education and studies; Raymond Arritt, agronomy; John Beghin, economics; Parag Chitnis, biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology; Robert Hartzler, agronomy; Gregory Tylka, plant pathology.
- Promotion to professor (collaborator without tenure): Roger Wise, plant pathology.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Dong Ahn, animal science; Thomas Baum, plant pathology; Bryony Bonning, entomology; E. Charles Brummer, agronomy; Diane Debinski, animal ecology; Fredic Janzen, zoology and genetics; Russell Jurenka, entomology.
College of Business
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): Russell Laczniak, marketing; Howard Van Auken, management; James Werbel, management.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Michael Barone, marketing; Kay Palan, marketing.
- Tenure without promotion (as associate professor): Cynthia Campbell, finance.
College of Design
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): Paul Anderson, landscape architecture; Gary Tartakov, art and design.
College of Education
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): Gary Phye, curriculum and instruction; Rick Sharp, health and human performance.
- Promotion to associate professor (adjunct without tenure): Marcia Rosenbusch, curriculum and instruction.
College of Engineering
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): William Black, electrical and computer engineering; Lawrence Genalo, materials science and engineering; Jon Van Gerpen, mechanical engineering.
- Promotion to professor with tenure: Vitalij Pecharsky, materials science and engineering.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Ruochuan Gu, civil and construction engineering; Say Ong, civil and construction engineering; Joshua Otaigbe, materials science and engineering.
College of Family and Consumer Sciences
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): Shirley Gilmore, hotel, restaurant and institution management.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Nancy Miller, textiles and clothing; Wendy White, food science and human nutrition.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): Lynn Clark, botany; Gary Comstock, philosophy and religious studies; Carol David, English; William Gutowski, geological and atmospheric science; Steven Hou, mathematics; Jorgen Johansen, zoology and genetics; Gloria Jones-Johnson, sociology; Charles Kostelnick, English; Lisa Larson, psychology; Gary Leavens, computer science; Michael Mendelson, English; Martin Spalding, botany.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Robert Baum, philosophy and religious studies; Eric Cooper, psychology; Shirley Dunlap, music; Barry Larkin, music; Margaret Mook, foreign languages and literatures; Sheryl St. Germain, English; Carol Vleck, zoology and genetics.
- Promotion to associate professor (adjunct without tenure): Martha James, biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology.
- Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Jeffrey Kushkowski.
College of Veterinary Medicine
- Promotion to professor (already tenured): Susan Carpenter, veterinary microbiology and preventive medicine; Joseph Haynes, veterinary pathology; Donald Reynolds, veterinary microbiology and preventive medicine; Wendy Ware, veterinary clinical sciences.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0428/ptpromotions.htmlR evised 04/26/00