Inside Iowa State
April 14, 2000
Mentoring program honors ISU Foundation's Watson
by Dalene Abner, ISU Foundation
Iowa State has created a mentoring program for college students planning development careers. The program honors Bob Watson, who retired this spring as associate vice president and director of leadership gifts at the ISU Foundation, and his wife Jean.The Robert and Jean Watson Endowed Advancement Education Program is funded through an endowment established with private donations. The mentoring program is the first of its kind in Iowa.
The program will seek applicants nationwide. Six-month internships at the ISU Foundation will be available to juniors and seniors working toward a career in development. Fellowships will be available to graduate students working toward a master's or doctoral degree in philanthropy, public administration (non-profit focus) or other related fields of study.
Interns and fellows will receive training in fund raising, gift management, advancement information systems, special events and communications.
Another component of the program will provide career development opportunities for employees starting new careers in advancement at the ISU Foundation.
Applications are due in August for January-June appointments and in February for July-December appointments.
Watson joined the ISU Foundation in 1984 as controller and became manager of planned giving in 1985. He developed a new approach to fund raising that established a national network of distinguished alumni and friends to reach out to prospective donors. He became director of leadership gifts in 1998.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0414/mentor.htmlRevised 04/13/00