Inside Iowa State
April 14, 2000
New strategic plan to regents
President Martin Jischke has put the finishing touches on Iowa State's proposed strategic plan for 2000-2005 and forwarded the document to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, for review at its May meeting. The plan is available online at www.iastate.edu/~president/2005/cover.html.
Have some cake
An ice cream and cake social marking the 100th anniversary of the groundbreaking of Marston Hall, the traditional hub of the College of Engineering, will begin at 3 p.m. Friday, April 14, on the east lawn of Marston. The campus community is invited.
WebMail service available to campus community
WebMail, a new Web-based e-mail service, allows ISU faculty, staff and students to check e-mail from Web browsers on or off campus. The new service is available to those who have an ISU Network ID and use the ISU e-mail address. To set up the new service, visit the WebMail page (http://webmail.iastate.edu). For more information, contact the Solution Center, 195 Durham Center, 6-6000.
Women's Club lunch is April 24
The ISU Women's Club will hold its spring luncheon at noon Monday, April 24, in 220 Scheman. Bill Boon, ISU landscape architecture, will give a presentation on "The Blue Bird of Happiness." Tickets are $13 and available at Cook's Emporium, 313 Main St.; or from Paula Gmelch, 268-0128; or Lois Schmitt, 292-1702.
Abstracts for symposium due April 28
Iowa State will host "Biosynthesis of Glucose Polysaccharides" June 29-July 2 at the Scheman building. The symposium will bring together leading researchers who study the bio-synthesis of glucose polysaccharides from different organisms, including yeast, bacteria and plants.Faculty and students are invited to submit abstracts by April 28 for poster or oral sessions. Abstract guidelines, the conference agenda and registration information are available on the Web at http://molebio.iastate.edu/~gfst/phomepg. htm, or by contacting Amani El Obeid, symposium coordinator, 4-7978. The symposium is sponsored by the Plant Sciences Institute and the department of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology.
Pease lecturer will discuss aging and exercise
David Costill, Ball State University, will discuss aging and exercise at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 20, in 279 Forker. The public is invited to this Pease Family Lecture.
11 faculty teams receive Miller awards
Eleven faculty teams have been selected to receive Miller awards for the 2000-2001 academic year. The annual awards are for faculty development proposals that enhance undergraduate programs and student learning. Award recipients and a brief description of their projects may be found on the Web at www.iastate.edu/news/today/2000/apr/miller.html.
WOI Radio sets new spring fund-raising record
The staff at WOI Radio collected $238,079 in pledges from listeners during its spring fund drive March 31-April 7. The total is a new record for the spring drive, breaking last year's record of $224,103.
No credit cards first day of ticket sales at box office
Tickets purchased at the ISU Center box office on the first day of sale must be paid for by cash or check. This allows staff to complete transactions quicker. Those who wish to use a credit card to purchase tickets on the first day of a sale may do so through TicketMaster phone lines. After the first day, all forms of payment are accepted at the box office.Iowa State homepage
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
Copyright © 1999, Iowa State University, all rights reserved
URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0414/announcements.htmlRevised 04/12/00