Inside Iowa State
March 31, 2000
Des Moines center gets regents' green light
The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, approved Iowa State's participation in the Des Moines Higher Education Center during its March 16 meeting. Seven Iowa institutions - - University of Northern Iowa, University of Iowa, Drake University, Grand View College, Simpson College, Des Moines Area Community College and ISU -- will combine staff, expertise and funding to create the center in downtown Des Moines. The initial agreement is for three years. A location has not yet been selected, but the center is scheduled to open this fall.
The participating institutions will offer individual courses and programs (undergraduate and graduate) at the center and also seek opportunities for collaboration. The seven presidents will serve on a management committee to oversee the center. A search for a center director has begun.
Students taking a course or program offered by one of the seven schools will register with that school through a centralized registration process. Transfers of credit between and among the seven institutions will be done through various articulation agreements.
In other regents action, the board:
- Approved a project description and budget ($3.5 million) for restroom, fire safety and accessibility improvements at Hilton Coliseum. Construction is scheduled to begin in November and continue for 12 to 16 months.
- Approved a project description and budget ($5.2 million) for the C6 virtual reality environment in the Howe Hall atrium. Funding sources are the ISU Foundation, general university funds, the National Science Foundation and Iowa State's Virtual Reality Applications Center.
- Authorized Iowa State officials to hold a public auction to sell 115 acres of land in southwest Ames, north of Mortensen Road and west of State Avenue. The university owns 76 acres and the ISU Foundation owns the other 39 acres.
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