Inside Iowa State
March 31, 2000
ADP, Institutional Research name new leaders
Institutional research
Gebre Tesfagiorgis (pronounced GA-bree TES-fa-YOUR- jis), director of institutional research and planning at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, since 1992, has been named director of institutional research at Iowa State, effective June 1.As director, Tesfagiorgis will be responsible for the collection, interpretation and use of institutional data.
Prior to his position at Nebraska, he was senior policy and planning analyst at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, from 1986 to 1992.
Former director of institutional research Elizabeth Stanley left Iowa State last June.
Administrative information systems
Maury Hope, vice president for information services at Hawkeye-Security Insurance Group since 1988, Des Moines, has been appointed director of administrative information systems, effective April 10.The director oversees the Administrative Data Processing Center and collaborates with other campus officials on university-wide information technology efforts.
Hope succeeds Wayne Ostendorf, who is retiring after 40 years of service.
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