Inside Iowa State
March 31, 2000
A first for ISU's digital studios
A national Public Broadcasting System videoconference will be uplinked from new digital studios on campus April 13. This is the first time a national videoconference has been produced at Iowa State's new University Studios.
The videoconference, "Designing Classrooms for Technology Integration and Accessibility," will uplink from the studios in the Communications Building from 1 to 3 p.m. More than 235 colleges and universities in the United States and Canada are licensed to receive the videoconference.
The program is produced by the Instructional Technology Center (ITC) for the Consortium of College and University Media Centers, and presented by the PBS Adult Learning Service.
Opened earlier this year, the studios have a state-of-the- art, fully digital television production system.
The live videoconference will focus on classroom design issues related to new technologies, growing demand for adult education, requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and aging buildings.
"The last time we did one of these we had to go all the way to Washington, D.C., and rent the WETA Studios, where Washington Week in Reviewis produced," said Robert Lindemeyer, ITC associate director and videoconference producer. "It's just great to have this excellent facility here at Iowa State."
Those interested in seeing the videoconference should contact Training and Development, 4-8914.
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