Inside Iowa State
March 31, 2000
$8 million gift boosts business initiative
by Kevin Brown
A Dallas business couple have given the College of Business an $8 million deferred gift. President Martin Jischke announced the gift from Steve and Becky Smith March 24."Becky and I have been successful in business and we want [to acknowledge] the training that we received," said Steve Smith, a native of Marshalltown who received a business degree from Iowa State in 1970.
The Smiths' gift is part of a $35.5 million initiative for the College of Business. The initiative was launched in October 1998 with a $10 million gift from Russell and Ann Gerdin, Coralville, and includes a $21.5 million facility to be built when state and private funds become available. The Smiths' gift will be used for endowed chairs, professorships and student scholarships.
"To receive a gift like this from two very successful business people is a meaningful affirmation of what we are doing and what we are trying to do in the College of Business," said dean Ben Allen. "This gift will give the college tremendous momentum and will help us attract and retain the highest quality faculty and students."
In 1996, Steve Smith founded Sales Insights, a consulting firm for the consumer packaged goods industry. He previously worked for Alberto-Culver Co., as national sales manager; Helene Curtis USA, as director of business planning; and Procter & Gamble, as a group marketing manager.
Becky Smith been with IBM more than 20 years, working in the areas of hardware, software, client sales, marketing and customer service. She currently is IBM's Dell strategic alliance executive.
The Smiths' gift is part of the $425 million Campaign Destiny.
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