Inside Iowa State
March 31, 2000
Workshop for study abroad group leaders is April 4
A health and safety workshop for faculty and staff who are taking students abroad will be held from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 4, in the Memorial Union Oak Room. Speakers from risk management, legal services and student counseling will discuss such topics as risk management, liability and student well-being. A light lunch will be served. Contact the Study Abroad Resource Center, 4-6792, to reserve a spot or get more information.
Veishea celebration set
Veishea 2000 will be held Friday-Sunday, April 14-16. The theme for this year's celebration is "Today's Dreams, Tomorrow's Reality." The Stars Over Veishea musical is Into the Woods,by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine. SOV tickets are on sale and range from $10 to $15 for adults, with discounts for alumni and groups. The Veishea central committee again will honor a faculty, staff member and T.A. of the year. The nomination form is available from the Veishea Web site, www.veishea.org/home.htm.
"Road scholars" on campus April 6-8
About 22 extension personnel from 20 counties will visit campus April 6-8 as part of the university's Road Scholars program. The tour opens Thursday, April 6, with a reception hosted by Provost Rollin Richmond and Vice Provost for Extension Stanley Johnson from 7 to 8 p.m. in 230 Memorial Union.Road Scholars traditionally involves groups of new Iowa State faculty and staff touring an area of the state with university officials. For the second time, Road Scholars will bring extension county directors, field specialists and media specialists to campus to meet with faculty and staff.
Their visit will include tours of new or renovated research and teaching facilities and student residences.
Chamber Singers spring concert is April 11
The ISU Chamber Singers will present its spring concert at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, in Tye Hall, Music. The concert is free. The performance will include German sacred choral compositions; international madrigals from the 17th century; and African American spirituals. This concert will be the group's last home concert prior to a tour in Germany in June. The Chamber Singers will perform at four concerts to benefit a German-Russian initiative to rebuild the Koenigsberg Cathedral in Kaliningrad, Russia.
Anti-violence rally
Nancy Ziegenmeyer, whose story of surviving a rape ran in the Des Moines Register,will speak at the "Take Back the Night" rally at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 12, on the steps of Curtiss Hall. Ziegenmeyer co-wrote the book Taking Back My Lifeand continues to speak out for victims' rights.
Ice cream social for Ag dean David Topel
Faculty, staff and friends are invited to an April 7 ice cream social to honor David Topel, dean of the College of Agriculture for more than 11 years. A program will begin at 3:15 p.m. in the Food Science courtyard, with ice cream to follow. Letters may be sent to Joyce Shiers, 138 Curtiss. In case of rain, the event will be moved to 1951 Center for Crops Utilization Research.
Infant swim lessons begin next week
The College of Education will host a six-week, 12- lesson infant and toddler (younger than 2 years) swim program from April 3 to May 10 in the Forker pool. Classes meet Monday and Wednesday at 5:15 p.m. Registrations are due March 31. The program is open to residents of Ames and nearby communities; cost is $60 for new students and $30 for returning students. Children will learn activities such as moving between two people, how to properly hold their breath and how to turn underwater. For application materials, contact Kathi Thomas-Thomas, 4-8677, or visit health and human performance's main office, 235 Forker.
ISU employees asked to update veteran status
The Human Resource Services office distributed an employee survey on veteran status last week. A new federal law lets several additional groups claim veteran status. Each employee should review his or her form; if it is correct, simply discard it. For those whose status may have changed, update the form and return it to HRS, 16 Beardshear. This HRS site contains more information on the additional veteran groups as well as some frequently asked questions: www.iastate.edu/ ~aao/FAQvetcodes.htm.
Learning communities workshop is May 8-9
Iowa State's second annual Learning Communities Institute will be held May 8-9 in the Scheman Building. Registration materials for this free event will be mailed to all faculty and staff. This year's institute will focus on "sustaining success in learning communities."
Ethics lecture series continues April 6
Michael Richards, owner of Candleworks, Iowa City, will discuss his business at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, April 6, in 124 Kildee as part of the (Murray) Bacon Lecture Series, College of Business.Richards' firm makes candles from soy wax instead of traditional paraffin wax. Studies have shown that paraffin candles release carcinogens when burned. Candleworks' employees are local residents with physical and mental disabilities, new immigrants, homeless people and people with arrest records. For more information, call James Werbel, 4- 2717.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0331/announcements.htmlRevised 03/30/00