Inside Iowa State
March 17, 2000
Symposium highlights American Indians
by Linda Charles
Storytelling, Native American art, panel discussions and the traditional powwow will be featured during the 29th American Indian Symposium, March 29 to April 1 in the Memorial Union.In conjunction with the symposium will be an art exhibit in the Gallery titled "Six Worldviews: Contemporary Native Artists of Minnesota." The exhibit, which runs through April 2, features the works of Fran BigBear, White Earth Ojibwe; Carly Bordeau, White Earth Ojibwe; Julie Jim Denomie, Ojibwe- Lac Court Orielles Nation; Carl Gawbow, Nett Lake Ojibwe; and Carrie Ortiz, White Earth Ojibwe.
Several of the artists will gather at the Gallery at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 30, and 3-5 p.m. Friday, March 31, to discuss their work. Receptions will follow both events.
Johnpaul Jones, Choktaw/Cherokee, will present a lecture at 8 p.m. Friday in the Sun Room. Jones, a principal in the award-winning design firm of Jones and Jones, Seattle, will speak on "The Four Worlds: Stand Inside Our Indian Way and Beliefs." His firm recently was hired to complete the National Museum of the American Indian on the Mall in Washington, D.C.
Storytelling, arts and crafts will be featured during a family program from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday in the Gallery. Events will conclude Saturday with the powwow in the Great Hall. Grand entries will begin at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
All events are free. For more information, contact the Office of Minority Student Affairs, 301 Beardshear, 4-6338.
2000 Symposium on the American Indian: "Dynamic, Electric Conversions and Transformations into "Indianess"
March 29-April 1, free
Memorial Union, 4-6338
Wednesday, March 29
- Exhibit, "Six Worldviews: Contemporary Native Artists of Minnesota," through April 2, Gallery.
- 8 p.m., Concert and storytelling, "The Creation of Identity Through Oral Tradition and Song," Rose Red Elk Hartman, singer and storyteller, Sioux/Assinibione/Chippewa/Cree, Colorado, Maintenance Shop.
Thursday, March 30
- 7 p.m., Panel discussion, "Constantly Changing and Transforming Definitions of 'Indianess' and Identity," several artists from the exhibit, reception follows, Gallery.
Friday, March 31
- 3-5 p.m., Gallery talk, visiting artists, with host John Weinkein, reception follows, Gallery.
- 8 p.m., Lecture, Richard Thompson Memorial,"The Four Worlds: Stand Inside Our Indian Way and Beliefs," John Paul Jones, Choctaw/Cherokee, with the architecture firm Jones and Jones, Seattle, reception follows, Sun Room.
Saturday, April 1
- 9-11 a.m., Family program, storytelling, hands on arts and crafts, activities for people of all ages, Great Hall.
- 2 p.m., Powwow, Native American dancers and drum groups, grand entries at 2 and 7 p.m. (no dancing 5-7 p.m.), Great Hall.
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