Inside Iowa State
March 17, 2000
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Q: Does the university sell faculty/staff addresses? If so, why -- and can I get my name off the list?
A: Iowa State complies with Chapter 22 of the Code of Iowa (RE: examination of public records). At ISU, information that is available in both printed and online directories includes name, title, campus address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, home address and phone number. State law requires that this be made available in either printed or electronic form; and also that the university not restrict access to the information.
Iowa State is permitted to charge reasonable rates to cover costs for providing the information and does so. Although use of this information for commercial purposes sometimes is bothersome, state law requires the university to provide access to this information without regard to how it may be used.
If employees don't want their home information published, they can make a written request to Human Resource Services to have that information removed. This means that information won't be listed in any directory, making it more difficult for people to contact them. Federal legislation also permits individuals to request that their names be removed from telemarketing and unsolicited e-mail lists.
Details of the university's policies on the release of information can be found in Section 2 of the Office Procedure Guide.
Source: Vice president for business and finance
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0317/ask.htmlRevised 03/15/00