Inside Iowa State
March 17, 2000
Women's basketball spirit rally planned
If the Cyclone women advance to the second round of the NCAA tournament, the ISU Alumni Association will host a spirit rally at 6 p.m. Sunday, March 19, in the Scheman Building. The basketball game will follow in Hilton Coliseum at 8:35 p.m. The ISU pep band and spirit squads will perform. Hot sandwiches, pasta, appetizers, chili, salads and drinks can be purchased.
Calendar entries sought
The ISU Alumni Association is gathering information for the 2000-2001 Iowa State University events wall calendar. The calendar covers Aug. 1, 2000, through Aug. 31, 2001. Entries are due in the Alumni Association Publications Office by April 15. For more information or to submit events, contact Karen Knight, 4-6515 or 4-9402, email: karen.knight@alumni.iastate.edu.
Lunch with the president
President Martin Jischke will hold his next open lunch at noon Monday, March 20, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room. Faculty, staff and students are invited to bring or purchase lunch and visit with the president about topics of their choice. Cookies and coffee will be provided.
ISU Women's Club meets
The next ISU Women's Club meeting will feature a talk by Patty Jischke and Katherine Melsa on "making Ames youth- friendly." The meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Monday, March 27, at St. Cecilia Church, 2900 Hoover Ave., For more information, contact Ruth David, 292-6334.
Presenters sought
The College of Design is seeking presenters on visual literacy issues related to design, education, art education, technology, information technology, environment and science for the 32nd annual International Visual Literacy Association Conference, to be held Oct. 11-14. Information is available from the Office of Extended and Continuing Education, 102 Scheman, 4-0196, and at this Web site, www.iastate.edu/~design/ART/IVLA/index.html.Iowa State homepage
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
Copyright © 1999, Iowa State University, all rights reserved
URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0317/announcements.htmlRevised 03/15/00