Inside Iowa State
March 3, 2000
Achievement award
Mark Honeyman, animal scientist and coordinator of ISU's research and demonstration farms around the state, received the Sustainable Agriculture Achievement Award from the Practical Farmers of Iowa. Honeyman was honored for his work with alternative swine production methods, including studies of outdoor farrowing and hoop structures for finishing pigs and gestating sows. Honeyman also organized a demonstration of a Swedish pig production system that included no feed antibiotics and minimized animal stress.
Environmental education awardJim Pease, extension wildlife specialist and assistant professor in animal ecology, has received the Aldo Leopold Environmental Education Award from the Iowa Conservation Education Council. The award is presented to individuals or organizations for exemplary service in environmental education, including years of service, accomplishments and service to local or state organizations. Pease was recognized for his talents as an educator and a leader in environmental education.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0303/honors.htmlRevised 03/02/00