Inside Iowa State
March 3, 2000
Large class master teachers to lead March faculty forum
by Anne Krapfl
Enhancing student learning in large class lectures will be the discussion topic at the Monday, March 6, Faculty Forum and Dinner, sponsored by the Center for Teaching Excellence. Dinner and discussion will take place in the Memorial Union Campanile Room; all faculty and their guests are invited.The discussion leaders are the five faculty members identified this semester by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences as "master teachers" for their success in teaching large groups: Jim Colbert, botany; Steve Kawaler, physics and astronomy; Wolfgang Kliemann, mathematics; Barbara Mack, journalism and communication; and Ron Peters, psychology. In what is intended to be an interactive session, the five will talk about their successes with large classes, and about mistakes they have made, lessons learned and the challenges to teaching large student groups, as they see them. They also will answer questions from forum attendees.
In addition to leading this forum session, the five have opened their classrooms to visitors this spring and are leading workshops coordinated by the teaching center. Colbert and Mack's classes still are open at this point in the semester. For details, see this Web site: www.cte.iastate.edu/largeclasses/schedule2000.html#visit.
The teaching discussion begins at 6:45 p.m. and is preceded by a social time at 5:30 p.m. and dinner ($10) at 6 p.m. Dinner reservations should be made with Jane Henning, 4-2906, by 5 p.m. March 3.
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