Inside Iowa State
March 3, 2000
WOI Radio targets newborns in classical music promotion
Classical music may or may not make children smarter, but WOI Radio isn't taking any chances. Beginning next week and continuing for a year, the station will give a music CD, Baby needs Mozart, to every baby born at Mary Greeley Medical Center. The hospital estimates that will be around 1,300 babies.
The 70-minute collection includes symphonies, string and other quartets, sonatas and an aria from the opera The Marriage of Figaro.
WOI Radio staff said they hope the CD provides enjoyment and enrichment for babies and their families, and maybe even benefits the future of classical music in the process.
Partners on the project are the hospital, McFarland Clinic and the recording company, Delos International.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0303/baby.htmlRevised 03/01/00