Inside Iowa State
March 3, 2000
Online forms speed EHS waste pick-up
ISU departments requesting chemical or radioactive waste pick-up from Environmental Health and Safety can speed EHS response by using the online request forms. Two waste pick-up forms are available from EHS's "most commonly requested services" page (www.ehs.iastate.edu/common.htm) -- one for chemical waste pick-up and one for radioactive waste pick-up. Waste pick-up also can be requested by calling 4- 7667.
Spring break is March 13-17
Spring semester break is March 13-17, with classes resuming Monday, March 20. Inside Iowa Statewill publish on Friday, March 17, continuing its bi-weekly publication schedule.
Coach Fennelly schedules third luncheon
Cyclone head women's basketball coach Bill Fennelly will hold another open lunch from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 14, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Bring your lunch or purchase one in the food court and visit with the coach about the upcoming NCAA tournaments (first-round action begins March 16).
Calendar committee favors three-week winter break
At its Feb. 24 meeting, the ISU calendar committee voted to recommend a three-week winter break for 2003-2005. Committee members first approved the three-year calendar, including a three-week winter vacation, in October, but discussion among faculty, staff and students regarding the advantages of a four-week winter break prompted a second vote. The tally was 12 votes in favor of a three-week break, no votes for a four-week break, four abstentions and six areas not represented in the vote.
Hate crime victim's mother to speak on campus
Judy Shepard, the mother of Matthew Shepard, University of Wyoming student who was tortured and killed last year because of his homosexuality, will speak at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 30, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. Shepard is speaking out against hate crimes at campuses nationwide and discussing what can be done to make schools and communities safer for everyone, regardless of race, sex, religion or sexual orientation. She has appeared in three public service announcements.
Internationalization grant proposals sought
The Council on International Programs is seeking proposals for 2000-2001 internationalization/globalization grants. The grants help develop and implement innovative activities and programs that bring an international perspective to learning, scholarship and engagement efforts. The provost has provided $100,000 this year for the grants. Plans are to award five to seven grants, none more than $20,000. Applications are due April 5 and should be submitted through DEOs to college deans. Detailed information on applications was mailed to deans, directors and DEOs. For more information, contact Dennis Peterson, 4-1120, or Michelle Szabo, 4-0381.
Cox performances will benefit Program for Women in Science and Engineering
Jane Cox, ISU music, has written and will perform a one-woman play about Barbara McClintock, a corn geneticist who discovered "jumping genes" and (at age 81) won the 1983 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for this work. Two performances of A Longing to Understandare planned as benefit events for Iowa State's Program for Women in Science and Engineering (PWSE): at Fisher Theater at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 29, and at Hoyt Sherman Place, 1501 Woodland Ave., Des Moines, at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 3. Tickets to the Ames performance are $35 ($50 for two people) and include a dessert reception at Scheman following the performance. Tickets to the Des Moines performance are $50 ($75 for two people) and include a reception following in the Hoyt Sherman gallery. Cox and President Martin Jischke and Patty Jischke will attend both receptions, which are co-hosted by the PWSE's advisory board. For information or to purchase tickets, contact Deb Nugent, 4-0966.
Travel grant applications due April 7
Applications for foreign travel grants (for travel between May 16 and Jan. 15, 2001) are due in the Faculty Senate office by April 7. Check with your dean's office for college deadline. Applications should be submitted no more than two semesters before travel is planned.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0303/announcements.htmlRevised 03/01/00