Inside Iowa State
February 18, 2000
Senate announces election results
The following faculty were elected to three-year Faculty Senate terms during spring departmental elections:
College of Agriculture
Sunday Tim, agricultural and bio-systems engineering; Peter Hoffman, animal science; X.B. Yang, plant pathology.
College of Education
Roger Smith, industrial education and technology.
College of Engineering
Ganesh Rajagopalan, aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics; Dan Bullen, mechanical engineering.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Steve Rodermel, botany; George Jura, foreign languages and literatures; Dennis McCarthy, history; Janet Pine, library; Jean Opsomer, statistics.
College of Veterinary Medicine
Brad Thacker, veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine; Chuck Thoen, microbiology and preventive medicine
College at-large elections are upcoming for Agriculture (3 seats), Business (1), Design (1), Education (1), Engineering (2), Family and Consumer Sciences (1), Liberal Arts and Sciences (5), and Veterinary Medicine (1).
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0218/election.htmlRevis ed 02/17/00