Inside Iowa State
February 18, 2000
Ask Inside
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Q. Does Iowa State keep a central "lost and found" station? Where should I bring items I might find, or inquire to retrieve items I have lost?
A: Iowa State no longer has a central lost and found center. Staff in most buildings temporarily keep items found in or near the buildings (check with the main departmental offices). After a few months, those offices send unclaimed items to ISU's inventory office, 94 Physics. Staff members, sometimes with assistance from department of public safety employees, try to track down owners, when possible. Items that still are unclaimed and untraceable after several more months go to the inventory warehouse, where they are sold in the weekly public sales. Cash that is found on campus and untraceable is required by law to go to the state treasurer's office.
Source: Inventory office, department of public safety
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0218/ask.htmlRevised 2/16/00