Inside Iowa State
February 4, 2000
Wintersteen named interim executive associate dean in Agriculture
by Diana Pounds
Wendy Wintersteen took on the post of interim executive associate dean in the College of Agriculture on Feb. 1.Wintersteen was named to the post by Richard Ross, who began serving as interim dean of agriculture, also on Feb. 1. (Ross will retain his position as dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine while serving as Ag dean.)
Wintersteen is director of agriculture and natural resources extension and will continue in that position while serving as executive associate dean.
Wintersteen succeeds Colin Scanes, who is serving as interim director of the Plant Sciences Institute.
"Creating a world-class Plant Sciences Institute is a top university priority, and the interim director needs to be able to devote full attention to that effort," Provost Rollin Richmond said.
Scanes continues to serve as an associate dean in the College of Agriculture.
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