Inside Iowa State
February 4, 2000
$20,000 available for multicultural initiatives
Funding for the Multicultural Task Force has been renewed and proposals for multicultural initiatives are being accepted. Applications are available in Room B6, Memorial Union.
The Multicultural Task Force is a group of faculty, staff and students committed to raising awareness of multicultural issues. It was created in 1996 with support from the offices of the Provost and the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Eight students from diverse backgrounds and organizations serve on the task force this year.
This semester, approximately $20,000 will be allocated through the Multicultural Task Force. Proposals are reviewed weekly.
The task force will focus on allocating to multicultural initiatives, said Vernon Wall, assistant dean of students, director of student activities and task force adviser. While faculty and staff may be involved in developing proposals, all proposals must be initiated by students.
"Creating opportunity for collaboration between student groups, particularly those that haven't traditionally worked together, is another important component of the Multicultural Task Force," said Meaghan Kozar, Minority Student Affairs program assistant and task force adviser.
"Funding will not be the only focus on the Multicultural Task Force, however," Wall said. "We also will investigate how the task force should address student needs in the future."
For additional information, contact Wall at 4-1023; email, vwall@iastate.edu.
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