Inside Iowa State
February 4, 2000
Proposed salary policy up for vote
by Linda Charles
The Faculty Senate is expected to vote on a proposed salary policy at the Feb. 8 meeting. The proposed policy would formalize what has become the practice in recent years.The policy, as presented to the senate in January, calls for faculty to be reviewed annually on the basis of their position responsibilities statement. Considered during the evaluation would be teaching, research/creative activities, extension/professional practice and institutional/professional service. Faculty would be evaluated as "superior," "satisfactory" or "not satisfactory."
Faculty receiving satisfactory or superior ratings would receive salary increases equal to at least one-third of the percentage of the budgeted general salary increase. Additional increases for performance and market and equity issues could be given to those rated satisfactory or superior. Generally, those rated superior would receive bigger increases than those rated satisfactory.
Faculty rated unsatisfactory would receive increases between zero and one-third of the budgeted general salary increase.
The policy would allow the university president to adjust the minimum percentage increase for satisfactory performance in consultation with the senate. The policy also states that promotion in academic rank is accompanied by a fixed increase that is determined annually by the president in consultation with the senate. This increase is in addition to the merit increase.
Senate president Dean Ulrichson has presented the proposed policy to the provost, deans and DEOs for comments and will make revisions to the policy based on those comments. The revised policy will be presented to the senate for consideration.
Other items on the agenda include:
- Amendments to the senate's proposed bylaws. The vote on the bylaws won't be taken until after the senate's proposed constitution is voted upon by the general faculty. Ballots for the constitution vote are due Feb. 24.
- A report on the status of the academic calendar. At the January meeting, senators indicated that faculty prefer a four- rather than a three-week winter break.
- A resolution supporting continued financial support for the ISU Employee Wellness Program.
- Nominations for senate council chairs and secretary.
- A report by Barbara Licklider, ISU's faculty athletic representative to the National Collegiate Athletic Association. She is expected to discuss what the faculty role is in maintaining the academic progress of athletes.
The senate meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8, in 260 Scheman. It is open to the public.
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