Inside Iowa State
February 4, 2000
Black History Month events scheduled
by Linda Charles
Actress Adilah Barnes and comedian/activist Dick Gregory will be among those visiting campus during Black History Month. While the "month" stretches from January to early March, most events are concentrated in February.Gregory, credited with opening the door for many black entertainers, will discuss "Imperatives for the New Millennium" at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 10, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. Gregory's participation in the civil rights movement of the 1960s brought him to the activist forefront and he has broadened his efforts by speaking out on world peace, hunger and issues involving Native Americans.
Barnes, who had a recurring role in the television series Roseanne and appeared regularly in Blue Skies,will perform "I Am That I Am: Woman, Black" at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, in the Memorial Union Maintenance Shop. Barnes has appeared on several television programs and performed on stage.
All events are free and open to the public.
Black History Month Schedule
Monday, February 7
- 8 p.m., Lecture, "Diversity as Art: Art is Diversity," poet and activist Nikki Giovanni, visiting professor at Virginia Tech, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
Thursday, February 10
- 8 p.m., Lecture, "Imperatives for the New Millennium," Dick Gregory, activist, actor, author and comedian, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
Tuesday, February 22
- 8 p.m., Performance, "I Am That I Am: Woman, Black," actress Adilah Barnes, roles in television series Roseanne and Blue Skies, Maintenance Shop, Memorial Union.
Wednesday, February 23
- 7 p.m., Lecture, "African Americans Online," Barry Cooper, founder and CEO of Black Voices.com, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
Wednesday, March 1
- 8 p.m., Lecture, "Black Art and Experience from the Great Depression to the Civil Rights Movement: One Woman's View," artist and educator Margaret Burrough, founded the DuSable Museum of African American History, Chicago, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
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