Inside Iowa State
February 4, 2000
Saturday MBA forum Feb. 10The College of Business will hold an informational forum about the Saturday MBA program from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 10, in 275 Scheman. To register, call 4-8118.
Cholesterol screenings offered on campusCholesterol screenings will be available for faculty and staff at the Student Health Center Feb. 15-26. The resulting lipid profile will give total cholesterol, HDL, HDL/cholesterol ratio, LDL, VLDL, glucose and triglyceride lab results. A 12-hour fast is required prior to the screening. Cost is $9. Screening will be done from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday and 8-11 a.m. Saturday.
Help available to stop smokingAn eight-week stop smoking group, offered by the Student Health Center, will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays. The orientation session will be Feb. 21 in 2305 Student Health. Registration is $25 for faculty and staff, with a $10 refund for attending all sessions. For more information or to sign up, contact Denise Allumbaugh, 4-1868.
ISU Women's Club meets Feb. 14The ISU Women's Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14, at the Ames Woman's Club, 106 South Dakota Ave. David Burling, chaplain at Mary Greeley Medical Center and the Israel Family Hospice House, will speak on "Hospice: Living in the Midst of Dying."
Date rape subject of lectureKatie Koestner, a date rape survivor, and Brett Sokolow, a specialist in sexual assault policy and law, will discuss "Date Rape: He Said/She Said" at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 9, in the Memorial Union Great Hall.
Koestner received national attention for speaking out after being sexually assaulted. She appeared on the cover of Time magazine and several TV talk shows. She also was the subject of the 1991 HBO movie No Visible Bruises: The Katie Koestner Story.
Sokolow has provided educational programs and risk management assistance to colleges, high schools and military institutions. He was one of the Founders of Men Acting for Change at the College of William and Mary.
The two co-authored Sexual Assault on Campus: What Every College Needs to Know About Protecting Victims, Providing for Just Adjudication, and Complying with Federal Lawsand Total Sexual Assault Risk Management Strategies for Colleges.
25-Year Club banquet in MarchThe Barbary Coast Dixieland Band from Minneapolis will entertain during the annual 25-Year Club banquet, Tuesday, March 21, at the Holiday Inn Gateway Center. Social hour begins at 5:30 p.m., with dinner at 6:30 p.m. To be eligible for the 25-Year Club, an ISU employee must have completed 25 years of employment (300 cumulative months) by Dec. 31, 1999. This year, 107 employees are expected to be inducted into the 25-Year Club, with another 23 honored for 35 years of service to the university. Invitations will be mailed soon and reservations are due March 10. All honorees will be guests at the dinner; cost to others is $16. To make a reservation or if you think you are eligible for the club but do not receive an invitation, contact Betty Licht, 4-3830.
Branstad scholarship applications due Feb. 25Iowa State is accepting applications for the Branstad Scholarship in Education program, created in 1998 to honor former Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad's commitment to education.
Applications are due Feb. 25 to scholarship committee chair Jackie Blount, N131E Lagomarcino. For more information or to download an application form, visit the scholarship Web site at www.educ2.iastate.edu/ess/branstad.htm, or contact Blount, 4-4706, e-mail: jblount@iastate.edu.
Former Cyclone women athletes honored this weekendWomen athletes who represented ISU from 1968 to 1978 will be honored at a half-time presentation Saturday, Feb. 5, during the ISU-Colorado women's basketball game. The game starts at 7 p.m. at Hilton.
The athletics department, the ISU Letterwinners Club and the ISU Alumni Association will award the women the varsity "I." The honorees competed for ISU's Women's Intercollegiate Sports Association, which merged with the men's athletics department in 1979. Prior to 1979, women couldn't earn a varsity letter.
Saturday's celebration kicks off Iowa State's salute to the women who participated in 25 years of intercollegiate athletics. Each year, a group of women will be recognized, leading to a celebration in 2004 that will include all former women athletes.
ISU female athletes who competed from 1968 to 1978, or anyone with information about these former Cyclones, are encouraged to contact the Iowa State Letterwinners Club, 4-3558, email: halloffame@iastate.edu.
Controller's office changesKathy Dobbs, formerly manager of the Sponsored Programs accounting office, has been named the new associate controller in the controllers department. Dobbs oversees the operations of the Accounting Office and sponsored programs accounting. She replaces Roger Lively, who retired after more than 22 years at ISU. Stephanie Fox, associate controller, will continue to oversee financial accounting and reports, including year-end closeout, payroll and campus organizations.
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