Inside Iowa State
January 21, 2000
Pork center names director
by Brian Meyer, Agriculture Information
John Mabry, a University of Georgia animal scientist, is the new director of the Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State, effective April 1.
Since 1979, Mabry has been a professor in the animal and dairy science department at the University of Georgia. Previously, he was a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls. Mabry's research and extension activities in Georgia have focused on designing and implementing systems to help swine producers maximize their herds' genetic progress and profitability. His work has included extensive use of computerized data management systems for swine production. He earned a master's degree and Ph.D. from Iowa State, and a bachelor's degree from Oklahoma State.
Mabry will be the center's second director. The first director, Lauren Christian, died in November 1998. The center's associate director, James McKean, veterinary medicine extension, has been serving as interim director.
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