Inside Iowa State
January 21, 2000
Project of the year
For the second consecutive year, ISU's Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS) has received the Outstanding Project of the Year Award (technology transfer category) from the National Association of Management and Technical Assistance Centers.Honored was CIRAS's product design work on the Rapid Bacterial Detector for Advanced Analytical Technologies Inc., Ames. Several CIRAS staff and ISU engineering students employed by CIRAS worked on the project. Other ISU centers and departments also were involved.
Sciencemagazine thumbs up for ISU prof's software
A software program developed by ISU chemical engineering professor Ken Jolls and his students was reviewed in the Oct. 15 issue of Science magazine. The software, called Phase, uses computer visualization and animation capabilities to display phase diagrams of mixtures of common organic chemicals in liquid and vapor phases.
Honorary doctorate
James Olson, distinguished professor in biochemistry and biophysics, has received an honorary doctoral degree from Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. The honor recognizes Olson's lifetime achievements in improving global nutrition, and his work in developing Mahidol University. As a Rockefeller Foundation staff member, Olson spent 1966 to 1974 in Mahidol's department of biochemistry, helping elevate its research, teaching and organizational efforts to international standards.
Elected fellows
Alan Goldman, professor and chair of the physics and astronomy department, and Vladimir Kogan, a scientist with Ames Laboratory, have been elected fellows of the American Physical Society. Goldman's citation was for "X-ray diffraction measurements elucidating the nature of quasicrystals, and for advances in magnetic X-ray scattering." Kogan's citation was for "theoretical studies of magnetic properties of anisotropic type-II superconductors."
Named a fellow
Richard Seagrave, Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Chemical Engineering, recently was named a fellow of the Accreditation Board of Engineering Technology (ABET) for "sustained quality service to the engineering profession and to engineering education through the activities of ABET." Seagrave's contributions to ABET ranged from planning and implementing accreditation process improvements, to authoring case studies based on pilot accreditation visits.
Association president
Lee Anne Willson, university professor of physics and astronomy, has been named president of the American Association of Variable Star Observers. Willson has been a member of the organization for 20 years and has served as vice president for the past two years. Willson said her work at Iowa State deals primarily with researching variable stars -- stars that change in brightness when they are very young, very old or dying.
Education equity award
The Kuumba Multicultural Experimental School Research Project, administered by Education faculty members Carlie Tartakov and Karen Donaldson and implemented in the Ames school district, has earned the Education Equity Award from the Iowa Department of Education. The award recognizes educational agencies and programs that promote respect for diversity and equity in education. Kuumba is a five-year study that began in 1997 with 20 ethnically diverse elementary Ames students. Donaldson and Tartakov are measuring the program's effectiveness on students' learning, and will track student behavior and attitudes to determine the curriculum's long-term effects.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/012100/honors.htmlRevis ed 1/19/00