Inside Iowa State
January 21, 2000
"In Touch" lunch is Feb. 10
The first "Women in Touch" luncheon of spring semester will be held at noon Thursday, Feb. 10, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. Vernon Wall, assistant dean of students, will speak on "leading with style." The cost is $12.50 per person and registrations are requested by Feb. 7. Guests can register at the women's center, Sloss House; by calling the center at 4- 4154; or e-mailing staff member Marcia Purdy, mapurdy@iastate.edu. The registration form is available online, at the Web sites for the women's center or the University Committee on Women.
Former Odyssey of the Mind back as Destination ImagiNation
Destination ImagiNation (formerly organized under the name Odyssey of the Mind) will return to campus May 24-27 for its world finals competition. Thousands of students, from the elementary grades through college level, along with coaches and parents, are expected to attend. Details of the competition will be carried in Insidelater this spring.
Entrepreneur lunch forum is today
Steve Ringlee, vice president and treasurer for E-Markets Inc., Ames, will discuss "Launching an Internet-Based Company" at the Jan. 21 entrepreneur forum. Ringlee will speak at noon in the Memorial Union Gallery. The brown bag event is free and open to the public. Ringlee has been a private equities investor and co-founder of several companies, including Diamond Animal Health, Apeiron and Compo Machinery. E-Markets connects buyers and sellers of agricultural products and provides market information via the Internet.Sponsored by the ISU Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurship forums are held every other month during the academic year. For more information, contact Judi Eyles, 6-6532.
Petersen art restored
The public can watch experts working to restore small Christian Petersen plaster sculptures at the Brunnier Art Museum this month. The lab is open to the public through Jan. 28. Linda Merk-Gould and her assistant, Francis Miller, Conservation Technical Associates, Connecticut, will work on 19 Petersen sculptures, ranging from a 43-inch-tall figure of a cornhusking champion to a 6-inch sculpture of four buffaloes running. Merk-Gould has restored numerous Petersen sculptures at Iowa State, including murals and the fountain in front of the Memorial Union. For more information, contact the Brunnier Art Museum, 4-3342.
Swim class for young children
The health and human performance department is offering a free, four-session water exploration class for children ages 4 to 7 years. The sessions will meet in the Forker pool from 6:15 to 7 p.m. Mondays, Jan. 31, and Feb. 7, 14 and 21. The free class is offered in conjunction with the department's water safety instructor course and is a practicum for ISU students. The focus is on safety and fun; enrollment is limited. For more information or to enroll a child, contact John McVan, 4-1762, 243 Forker.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0121/announcements.htmlRevised 1/20/00