Inside Iowa State
January 21, 2000
ADP Center names director candidates
by Steve Sullivan
Five candidates are interviewing on campus in the next few weeks for the position of director of administrative information systems.The finalists are Diane Beckman, associate director of administrative data processing at Iowa State; Morris Hicks, associate director of information technology services at the University of Hartford, Connecticut; Maury Hope, vice president for information services at Hawkeye-Security Insurance Group, Des Moines; Donna Liss, director of the information systems unit in information services at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln; and Warren Wilson, regents information systems director for the South Dakota Board of Regents.
The director of administrative information systems at ISU is responsible for university-wide information systems. The director oversees the Administrative Data Processing Center and collaborates with campus officials on overall information technology efforts. The current director is Wayne Ostendorf, who is retiring.
As part of his or her campus visit, each of the finalists will meet with the campus community during an open forum in the Memorial Union. Liss' campus visit was Jan. 20. The remaining open forum schedule follows:
- Hope: Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2-3:15 p.m., Gallery
- Wilson: Friday, Jan. 28, 2-3:15 p.m., Pioneer Room
- Beckman: Thursday, Feb. 3, 2-3:15 p.m., Campanile Room
- Hicks: Monday, Feb. 7, 2-3:15 p.m., Campanile Room
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0121/adpcandidates.htmlRevised 1/20/00