Inside Iowa State
January 7, 2000
Spring events planned for all-university technology celebration
by Skip Derra
A talk on the evolution of flight, a seminar on how new technologies are generating new astronomical discoveries and a Jetsons cartoon film festival are among the events scheduled for spring semester as part of the year-long, university-wide celebration of technology.Included in the celebration this semester will be a Jan. 18 talk by author and former NASA historian Deborah Douglas, titled "The End of Try and Fly: The Origins and Evolution of American Aeronautical Engineering through WWII."
On Jan. 27, Iowa State will host a Jetsons Film Festival and discussion of how accurately the show's creators predicted technological advances. Jan. 29 is the Ames Laboratory/ISU Science Bowl, a competition in which high school students show off their scientific knowledge.
Science students from across Iowa will participate in the Iowa State Science and Technology Fair, March 31-April 1. Also on March 31, a seminar by three distinguished ISU astronomers, called "To the Edge of the Universe: New Telescopes, New Tools, New Discoveries," will detail how technology has driven astronomical discovery as we continue to learn about our place in the Universe.
Other events include the opening of C6, Iowa State's newest virtual reality theater; a 100th birthday party for Marston Hall, home to the College of Engineering; and several talks on the impact of technology on communications.
Iowa State's year-long celebration, "Advancing Technology to Become the Best," highlights the technological developments and applications that have been a key part of the university's mission since its founding more than 140 years ago.
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