Inside Iowa State
January 7, 2000
New P&S award gets green light
A new award will honor Professional and Scientific staff members whose job performance is extraordinary and who have worked at Iowa State for five years or less.
Last month, university administrators approved a P&S Council proposal to launch the "Outstanding New Professional Award" and to honor its first recipient(s) at the 2000 awards convocation this spring. Similar to faculty awards that recognize early achievement in teaching and research, the new P&S honor includes a $1,000 cash award.
The nomination deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 14; the nomination form, including criteria for selection, can be downloaded from the council's Web site, www.iastate.edu/~ps_info/. Employees also may request the information and nomination form from Leigh Elsberry, chair of the P&S representation and awards committee, 4-2369, or elsberr@iastate.edu.
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