Inside Iowa State
January 7, 2000
Lord, Carriquiry fill posts in Provost Office
by Linda Charles
Provost Rollin Richmond has announced appointments to two administrative positions, effective Jan. 3.William Lord, electrical and computer engineering, is serving as interim vice provost for research and advanced studies, and Alicia Carriquiry, statistics, has been appointed to a half-time associate provost position.
"I look forward to working closely with professors Lord and Carriquiry," said Richmond. "Professor Lord will help the university continue its tradition of strength in scholarship and graduate education. Professor Carriquiry will be an asset to this office, as she will assist with the university's efforts in information technology and with developing the plant sciences initiative."
Lord fills the position vacated by Patricia Swan, who retired from the post and has taken a one-year leave of absence from the ISU faculty to work at the Eskind Biomedical Library special collections department at Vanderbilt University, Nashville. A national search is under way for her successor.
Lord joined the Iowa State faculty in 1988 as the first Palmer Chair in electrical engineering. He was named an Anson Marston Distinguished Professor of Engineering in 1995 and served as associate dean for research and graduate studies from 1991 to 1995. He served as associate director of the Institute for Physical Research and Technology from 1997 to 1998. In 1998, he received the David R. Boylan Eminent Faculty Award in Research.
Carriquiry, associate professor of statistics, will assist the provost in providing leadership for information technology projects, help develop the Plant Sciences initiative, work with various Faculty Senate committees and take on other administrative tasks.
The new associate provost position is a three-year, half-time appointment. Carriquiry was selected from 18 applicants by a review committee that included faculty, administrators, a dean and department chair.
Carriquiry joined the ISU faculty in 1990. She received an M.S. in 1986 and Ph.D. in 1989, both from Iowa State. She will continue working half-time in her department and will teach a class spring semester.
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