Inside Iowa State
January 7, 2000
Fall Merit enrollment keeps ISU in top 10 public universities
by Steve Sullivan
Iowa State ranks in the top 10 public universities that enrolled National Merit Scholars and National Achievement Scholars in 1999.In 1999, Iowa State enrolled 116 National Merit Scholars, a 4 percent increase over 1998. This places Iowa State seventh among public universities enrolling new National Merit Scholars and 18th among all universities. Last year, Iowa State ranked sixth among publics and 14th among all universities.
In 1999, Iowa State enrolled nine National Achievement Scholars. This places Iowa State 10th among public universities enrolling new National Achievement Scholars and 24th among all universities, up from 59th last year.
The National Achievement scholarship program recognizes outstanding academic achievement among African American high school students.
"We are very pleased with our National Merit and Achievement scholar enrollment this year, particularly given the increased competition for these top students," said Marc Harding, director of admissions. "To be ranked in the top 20 for enrolling new Merit scholars in 1999, a university needed to enroll a minimum of 109 Merit scholars. This compares to just 81 a year ago."
Harding noted that Iowa State is the only school in Iowa that enrolled any new National Achievement Scholars this year. He also noted that Iowa State enrolled more National Merit Scholars than all of Iowa's other colleges and universities combined.
Currently, a total of 493 National Merit Scholars and 24 National Achievement Scholars are enrolled at Iowa State.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/010700/meritranking.htmlRevised 1/6/00