Inside Iowa State
January 7, 2000
Small victories
The ISU lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community will hold its annual "Small Victories Celebration" from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. Teresa Wahlert, state vice president for US West, will give the keynote address. US West also has provided a $5,000 gift to fund the event. Students, faculty and staff will be honored for their efforts to foster a campus environment that supports diversity. All are invited.
Lunch with Coach Fennelly
The Maintenance Shop and Student Union Board are hosting an open lunch with ISU head women's basketball coach Bill Fennelly at noon on Wednesday, Jan. 19 and Feb. 9.
Regents Award nominees sought
Nominations for the 2000 Regents Award for Staff Excellence are due Feb. 1 to Leigh Elsberry, chair of the P&S representation and awards committee. The award recognizes excellence among P&S staff members at Iowa's three regents universities. Award winners are announced in April and will be honored next fall. Deans, directors and DEOs have a copy of the criteria and nomination form; additional copies are available from the P&S Council Web site, www.iastate.edu/~ps_info/, or from Elsberry, 4-2369.
Honors seminar proposals
Proposals for Honors seminars for 2000-2001 are due Feb. 19. The 1- or 2-credit satisfactory-fail Honors seminars are limited to 15 Honors students. The Honors Program allocates $500 for professional development to the instructor. For more information, contact the Honors Office, Osborn Cottage, 4-4371.
Phone book recycling project sets new record
A dozen volunteers collected 18,820 pounds of phone books (that's 9.41 tons) from campus buildings Saturday, Dec. 4. Their work set a new record for phone book recycling on campus, breaking the 1997 record of 8.47 tons. In addition to aiding paper recycling efforts, the project saved Iowa State $564 in drop-off fees at the city's resource recovery plant.
Open lunch with Jischke
The next open forum with President Martin Jischke will be a lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 20, in the conference room in 208 Carver. Bring your lunch and visit with Jischke about topics of your choice. Coffee, cider and cookies are provided.
W-2s are coming in campus mail
Beginning this year, W-2s for on-campus employees will be distributed via campus mail. C-base employees (grad and research assistants) will continue to receive W-2s through the U.S. mail.
Candidates sought for credit union board
The ISU Community Credit Union seeks nominations for three openings on its board of directors . The election will be held April 1. Candidates may submit their name by phone, 232-6310; fax: 232-0784; or mail: Nominating Committee, ISU Community Credit Union, Box 665, Ames. An informational meeting for those interested in running for the board will be held Tuesday, Jan. 25. For more information, contact Lea Bartley, 4-8083; Larry Couture, 4-0569; or Norma Hensley, 4-6614.
YWCA compiling sitters list
The YWCA is seeking applications from babysitters for its sitters' list, used by both ISU and Ames community members. Applications are due Jan. 13. The list should be ready for distribution Jan. 14. The list is free to ISU students and $2 for others. Applications are available at the YWCA, 15 Alumni Hall.
Madrigal dinner is next weekend
Iowa State's 35th annual Madrigal Dinner will be Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 15-16, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Saturday's event begins at 5:30 p.m. (fanfare for dinner begins at 6:30 p.m.); the Sunday performance begins at 1 p.m., with dinner seating at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $30 per person and available at the Memorial Union box office (hotel desk, first floor), or by phone from Ticket-Master. A $22 ticket is available for Sunday's performance only for children 12 years and younger.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/010700/announce.htmlRevised 1/6/00