Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
November 19, 1999

State land-use survey under way

by Steve Sullivan
Iowa State is launching the first statewide land-use planning survey since 1977.

The survey will be conducted by the College of Design's Institute for Design Research and Outreach (IDRO) and the department of community and regional planning. Information will be collected through telephone surveys of officials in 99 counties and 950 municipalities.

The survey will focus on such issues as local land-use plans, zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations. It is intended to provide a comprehensive update of land-use planning in the state.

"Local governments have the primary responsibility for land-use planning. But we don't know what is going on statewide because there hasn't been a comprehensive inventory in more than 20 years," said Tim Borich, IDRO associate director.

The telephone survey will be completed by mid-December and a preliminary report is expected to be done by early January 2000, with a complete report done by March, Borich said. Data collected will be shared with government officials and various state agencies.

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