Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
November 5, 1999

Provost at next Faculty Forum

by Anne Krapfl
Faculty members and their guests have an informal opportunity to meet Provost Rollin Richmond at the Nov. 15 Faculty Forum and Dinner, sponsored by the Center for Teaching Excellence.

Richmond, who previously served for four years as provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at the State University of New York, Stony Brook, became Iowa State's provost in mid-September.

During the discussion portion of the evening, which begins at 6:45 p.m., Richmond has been asked to introduce himself and outline some of what he hopes to accomplish in his new post. He has been asked to talk about the scholarship of teaching and what that means for the teaching faculty at Iowa State. He also will respond to questions.

The faculty forum begins at 5:30 p.m. with a social time and poster presentations by some of this year (1999-2000) and last year's Miller faculty fellows. Fellows receive grants from the teaching center for professional development proposals that also improve undergraduate programs and enhance student learning. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. and costs $10 per person, payable at the door. Reserve your spot by calling Jane Henning, 4-2906, by 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12.

The November forum will be held in the Memorial Union Campanile Room. Faculty unable to arrive for dinner are welcome at the discussion.

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