Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
October 22, 1999

Choral expert to hold music chair Nov. 4-6

Moses Hogan, conductor of the New Orleans-based Moses Hogan Chorale, will visit campus Nov. 4-6 as holder of the Louise Moen Chair in Music. Hogan will give several public lectures on the development of the African-American spiritual, emphasizing the social and political contributions of this art form. He is recognized nationally as a choral conductor and arranger of spirituals.

Hogan also will lead a choral clinic for students and perform with several ISU choirs. These events are free and open to the public.

The Louise Moen chair was established last year by Samuel and Louise (Moen) Hamilton to recognize excellence in music, support residencies of nationally-known artists and attract outstanding performer/teachers to the music department faculty. Hogan is the first musician to visit campus as chair holder.

Following is his visit schedule:

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